Our Services


Auora ENT Hospital And Dental Clinic


These include hearing loss, tinnitus, ear infections, wax, ear pain, fluid in the ears, perforations of the ear drum, tumors, cholesteatoma, dizziness/Vertigo, bleeding and trauma in ear part.


Nasal and sinus disorders including: sinusitis, acute or chronic sinus infections, epistaxis, nasal congestion, runny nose, abnormal sense of smell, sinus headache, nasal polyps, trauma and swelling in nose part.


We evaluate and treat conditions such as Strep Throat, Mono, tonsillitis, tonsil enlargement, pharyngitis, snoring, tonsil stones, bad breath, trouble swallowing, voice problems and neck swelling in Throat part.


Dentists remove tooth decay, fill cavities, and repair fractured teeth. Dentists diagnose and treat problems with patients' teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth.

Our Team